I just love tiny babies. They almost, I said almost, make me want to have another one. Who doesn't love to snuggle a newborn?! I was very excited to have the opportunity to snuggle little Daxton during his newborn session. Daxton was absolutely precious during pictures. He stayed awake nearly the entire session which made posing a bit tricky but we got some cute shots anyhow. And boy is he strong! This little guy was lifting and turning his head while on his stomach and if he didn't want to be posed a certain way forget it. I think he will keep his mom and dad on their toes when he becomes a toddler! But for now they get to snuggle and enjoy these special moments of his babyhood. Thanks for sharing him and your other precious kiddos with me Ben & Tiffany!
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I was over the moon with the opportunity to take pictures of my dear friends Eric and Amanda and their beautiful family. Amanda and I go way back. Our older brothers were good friends growing up. Amanda would "hang out" aka babysit me from time to time. In fact, on one such occasion, she even gave me a black eye during a pillow fight. She was buff then and she still is! She flung that pillow with such force I flew into the leg of a wooden chair and had a black eye for second grade pictures. But in all seriousness I have been so blessed to know this couple and their family. They are full of compassion and their life mission is to love God and make Him known to others. They love with such deep conviction and are always willing to serve others. They have lived generously and given freely. Thank you Eric and Amanda for challenging me what it looks like to truly love others and to do it so well. I am blessed to know you and call you friends! Your family is growing up and I am honored to have small part in capturing memories of this season of your lives.
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I was so excited to have the opportunity to photograph my friend Kristi's daughters while I was visiting my home town of Havre, MT. Kristi has 3 beautiful daughters ranging in age from 14 to 5. I am always so blessed when I get to spend time with Kristi and her family. She is such an awesome mama and always exudes patience and kindness. I admire the way that she loves her girls and the special relationship that she has with each one. Ryen, Adi and Tahlyn all have such fun and unique personalities. Having two sisters of my own I can appreciate the bond and friendship that sisters share. Having a sister is a true gift, having more than one sister is a bonus! I recently saw the quote, "In the cookies of life, sisters are the chocolate chips." Given my love of chocolate and cookies this made me smile. These sisters already share a special friendship that I know will continue to grow as they enter into adulthood. As for the pictures, goodness there are so many that I adore. It was hard choosing which ones to share. These sisters ROCKED their session!
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